
I try to share my knowledge with the community through meetups and conferences as well. Below you can find the list of talks I have given, with links to the talk recording (if available).

🚀 Supercharge your Node.JS with Rust

Node.js is great - easy to develop, performant, easy to scale. But there are tasks that are less suited for it - heavy computations or data processing. Join me and learn how you can incorporate Rust as well as WebAssembly into Node and JavaScript and take your performance to the next level!

September 1, 2022 - Conf42 Rustlang

Language: English Link to recording: TBD

June 20, 2022 - JSNation Conference 2022

Language: English Link to recording: TBD

January 25, 2022 - NodeJS Israel Meetup

Language: Hebrew Link to recording: YouTube