Display the reading time, and words in NeoVim

Many writing tools include the very useful metrics of reading time and number of words. I thought it could be nice to have a similar thing in NeoVim.

I write two blogs in NeoVim (this one, and a tech blog), and I wanted to display the reading time, and number words for Markdown files. Here is the script I use. It’s worth noting that I use lualine for my status line management. Adapt to your needs according to what you use.

local function wordcount()
    return tostring(vim.fn.wordcount().words) .. ' words'

local function readingtime()
    return tostring(math.ceil(vim.fn.wordcount().words / 200.0)) .. ' min'

local function is_markdown()
    return vim.bo.filetype == "markdown" or vim.bo.filetype == "asciidoc"

require 'lualine'.setup {
    options = {
        icons_enabled = true,
        theme = 'onedark',
        -- component_separators = { left = '', right = ''},
        -- section_separators = { left = '', right = ''},
        component_separators = '',
        section_separators = '',
        disabled_filetypes = { 'vim-plug', 'Outline' },
        always_divide_middle = true,
        globalstatus = true,
    sections = {
        lualine_a = { 'mode' },
        lualine_b = { { 'branch', icon = '', color = { fg = c.cyan } }, 'diff' },
        lualine_c = {
                path = 0,
                symbols = { modified = ' ', readonly = ' ', unnamed = '[No Name]', newfile = '[New]' }
            } },
        lualine_x = { lsp, 'diagnostics', { 'filetype', colored = true, icon_only = false },
            { wordcount,   cond = is_markdown },
            { readingtime, cond = is_markdown },
            { 'fileformat', icons_enabled = false } },
        lualine_y = { 'progress' },
        lualine_z = { 'location' }
    inactive_sections = {
        lualine_a = {},
        lualine_b = {},
        lualine_c = { 'filename' },
        lualine_x = { 'location' },
        lualine_y = {},
        lualine_z = {}
    winbar = {
        lualine_a = {},
        lualine_b = {},
        lualine_c = { { 'filename', path = 1 }, { navic.get_location, cond = navic.is_available }, },
        lualine_x = {},
        lualine_y = {},
        lualine_z = {}
    inactive_winbar = {
        lualine_a = {},
        lualine_b = {},
        lualine_c = { { 'filename', path = 1 }, { navic.get_location, cond = navic.is_available }, },
        lualine_x = {},
        lualine_y = {},
        lualine_z = {}
    tabline = {},
    extensions = { 'fzf', 'nvim-tree', 'nvim-dap-ui' }

The important parts are:

{ wordcount,   cond = is_markdown },
{ readingtime, cond = is_markdown },

Which means words count, and reading time will be displayed only for markdown and asciidoc file types.

The entire code for the lualine can be found in my GitHub